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Postgres: Setting Default Values for Fields Using Postgres Defaults


You can set values of certain fields automatically when not explicitly passed to a fixed value, e.g. true for a boolean field, or output of a simple SQL function, e.g. now() for a timestamp field, by setting column default values in the table definition.


The Postgres default value is ignored when a value is explicitly set to the field.

Example: Say we have a field created_at in a table article which we want to be set to the current timestamp whenever a new row is added to the table:

Step 1: Modify the table

Edit the created_at field and set its default value as the SQL function now().

Open the console and head to Data -> [article] -> Modify.

Click the Edit button next to the created_at field and add now() as a default value.

Modify the table in the console
To set an auto-incrementing default value

To set a default value as an auto-incrementing integer you first need to set up a sequence which will be the source of our default value.

Let's say we have a field called roll_number which we would like to be set by default as an auto-incremented integer.

Run the following SQL command to create a new sequence.

CREATE SEQUENCE roll_number_seq;

Now set the default value of the roll_number field as nextval('roll_number_seq').

Step 2: Run an insert mutation

Now if you do not pass the created_at field value while running an insert mutation on the article table, its value will be set automatically by Postgres.

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