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Version: v2.x

Modeling one-to-one table relationships


A one-to-one relationship between two tables can be established via a unique foreign key constraint.

Say we have the following two tables in our database schema:

authors (
name TEXT

passport_info (
owner_id INT NOT NULL
passport_number TEXT

These two tables are related via a one-to-one relationship. i.e.:

  • an author can have one passport_info
  • a passport_info has one owner

Step 1: Set up a table relationship in the database

This one-to-one relationship can be established in the database by:

  1. Adding a foreign key constraint from the passport_info table to the authors table using the owner_id and id columns of the tables respectively
  2. Adding a unique constraint to the owner_id column for the passport_info table

This will ensure that the value of the owner_id column in passport_info table is present in the id column of the authors table and there will be only one row with a particular owner_id.

Step 2: Set up GraphQL relationships

To access the nested objects via the GraphQL API, create the following relationships:

  • Object relationship, passport_info from the authors table using id -> passport_info :: owner_id
  • Object relationship, owner from the passport_info table using owner_id -> authors :: id

Query using one-to-one relationships

We can now:

  • fetch a list of authors with their passport_info:
Query Variables
Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available
  • fetch a list of passport_infos with their owner:
Query Variables
Request Headers
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No Schema Available

Insert using one-to-one relationships

We can now:

  • insert passport_info with their owner where the owner might already exist (assume unique name for owner):
Query Variables
Request Headers
Documentation Explorer
No Schema Available

You can avoid the on_conflict clause if you will never have conflicts.

Caveat for nested inserts

Due to the way nested inserts are typically handled (described here), the order of object insertion needs to be specified using the insertion_order option while creating one-to-one relationships via the API. This is necessary to ensure nested inserts are possible using either side as the parent which would otherwise error out with a Not-NULL violation error in one of the cases.

In our example, inserting a passport_info with their nested owner will work seamlessly but trying to insert an author with their nested passport_info will throw a constraint violation error in case the insertion order is not specified for the owner object relationship.